ADI has worked with and collaborated in the past with different organizations and leaders at different levels

Over the many years of its operation, In performance of its activities, to ensure that every member of the society is involved, ADI collaborated with the host communities in areas where it carried out its projects. In addition, where necessary ADI involved local political leaders at the ward level, and constituency level i.e. Members of the county assembly and Members of Parliament respectively. Leaders involved include:
  • From Fafi Constituency; the Local MP, MCA Jarajila
  • From Dadaab Constituency; the Local MP, MCA Dadaab
  • From Lagdera Constituency; The local MP
In order to ensure compliance and smooth operations, ADI also collaborated and where necessary obtained support and authorization from relevant Government Offices and Officers and relevant donor and partner agencies;
  • Department of Refugee Affairs
  • Meds Kenya
  • NGOs Coordination Board
  • County Directors of Education
  • UNHCR head of Operations
  • District Commissioner Dadaab District
  • Fafi District AIDS and STI Coordinator (Ministry of Health)
  • Garissa District AIDS and STI Coordinator (Ministry of Health)