Appeal for Emergency Drought Situation in Northern Kenya

Together We Stand To Serve

Join us in sustaining the lives & dignity of those affected by the prevailing drought.

Photo Courtesy of Citizen (Royal Media Services)

Who We Are

ADI is non-political, not-for profit making organization working for the well being of the poor and needy communities in Kenya and Somalia.

Access & Developments Initiative (ADI) is an international NGO with offices in Kenya, Nairobi, and sub-offices in Garissa. It was established in March 2008 by a group of Kenyan intellectuals who at that time recognized the need to set up a local non-governmental organization (NGO) to promote the humanitarian relief efforts to help the needy people in North-eastern and neighbouring regions of the country, following the prolong drought and diseases that had ravaged the region for many years.

Access & Developments Initiative (ADI) is registered to operate in Nairobi, Garissa, Wajir, Tana River and Turkana Counties of the republic of Kenya through the NGOs Coordination Board under the Ministry of Interior and Coordination of National Government in the Office of the President.

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VLUU L200  / Samsung L200
VLUU L200  / Samsung L200
VLUU L200  / Samsung L200
Fiat United Football Club
City Boys United Football Club
Pit latrines constructed by ADI
Dugsi After
VLUU L200  / Samsung L200


What We Do

Water Resources/ Sanitation



Livelihood Improvement

Human Rights

Gender and Environment & Peace Building

Water Trucking Initiatives

And many more…

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Impact Stories

Wash Activity and Education Program
– Dadaab Refugee Camps – Garissa County 2013/2014

ADI first conducted a survey on the most needy cases of the solid waste management project. This project was created against the backdrop of an outbreak of Hepatitis E virus in the refugee camps which threatened the over 500,000 people living in the camps.

ADI took initiative and dug several pit latrines for the children and went further to educate the children and the educators in handwashing, aseptic techniques, and the route of the faecal diseases.

Left: bushes where the children used as toilets, Right: Pit latrines constructed by ADI
Emergency Drought Relief Wajir 2011/2012

To combat the disaster that followed the long drought, ADI conducted fundraisers from the community and well-wishers around the world. The successful campaign oversaw the distribution of food, cooking oil and other utilities that helped reduce the suffering of the vulnerable. ADI collaborated with the host community, media, together with religious and political leaders to ensure the smooth conveyance of the relief food to the most vulnerable in the community.

Institutions We have worked with before

Ngo board
african foam
meds ke
unhcr ke
govt logo
gsa county
